Automatic Recirculation Valves
Automatic Recirculation Valves (ARC)
Automatic Recirculation Valves (ARC)
Recirculation valve - standard version
minimum flow valve for feed water pump
Anti-surge valve for industrial compressors and compressor stations
Compact Electric Hydraulic Actuator for linear control valves - PEHD
Turbine inlet valve / Turbine Trip Valve
Control valve for hydrogen service applications
Ceramic ball valve for abrasion and corrosion mediums
Ceramic plug valve for abrasion and corrosion mediums
Tank draw off valve with dual soft-seated sealing disks
Excess Flow Valve / Pipe-break Valve
Complete assembly of needle valve with interlock
Liftplug valves for severe abrasive or adhesive application.
Special LNG hydraulic controlled globe valve for marine service
Spring Loaded Check Valve available in different configurations
Ceramic reducer, orfices, adaptors or straight pipe piece
Bypass valve for minimum flow protection for centrifugal pumps
Bypass valve for minimum flow protection for centrifugal pumps
Mechanical key valve interlock for secure mechanical enforced valve locking
Supplying of fugitive emission tested valves conform to international standards